Tuesday 3 July 2012


Sleepless nights, thoughts running in and out of my mind. Today's post there isn't any specific topic as i'm just too busy with stuffs which held me up.

Thoughts, i believe everyone has your own thoughts running through your mind. It might be something important or probably it is just a "passerby" kinda thoughts. For me, my thoughts are mostly the same thus, been struggling with myself. Believing in them is one thing. But will it ever come true? That's surely another thing for you to think and give a solution to it.

Whatever it is, i'm trying to stay positive hoping that what i hope for would goes my way.  Nevertheless, as expected, it wouldn't happen.

HOW LONG CAN I STAY POSITIVE? That's definitely a question to myself. Yes i've tried, gave in all my best effort, yet i did not gain anything at all.

GIVING UP, yes i've thought of that before. To me, whether or not to give up it's a choice which you can made by yourself. No one is controlling you saying that "Oh yes, you must give up now. There isn't any hope at all, please do not day dream anymore." Well, all these words and sentences i've heard before, i chose not to give up. I believe in myself that i'm able to do it, stay positive and not giving up with anyone's comments, etc. 

Remember, CHOICE is made by YOU, YOURSELF and not anyone else. Stay positive, believe in YOURSELF. Good luck.

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